On Wed, Jan 17, 2024 at 02:27:00AM -0800, Loren M. Lang wrote:
> As another example, I did see an X11 image viewer that was just named
> feh after it's executable so that might not be a big issue.

If you do call it tiv, make sure that the name is readily understood in package 

> And second, this might be a question for a different list, but I'm not
> sure how to best enter in the license information. According to their
> LICENSE file, it can be redistributed under either the GPL 3.0 license
> or the Apache 2.0 Software License, both approved for Debian. I was
> considering just listing it as one of them, but I don't know if that's
> proper.

If it can be redistributed under both, include both. Some commercial users
might want to only use Apache - for example - but would need to know the
full licensing.

All the very best,

> -- 
> Loren M. Lang
> lor...@north-winds.org
> http://www.north-winds.org/
> Public Key: ftp://ftp.north-winds.org/pub/lorenl_pubkey.asc
> Fingerprint: 10A0 7AE2 DAF5 4780 888A  3FA4 DCEE BB39 7654 DE5B

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