Hi Lucas,

On Mon, Feb 19, 2024 at 04:50:27PM -0300, Lucas Castro wrote:
>  * Package name     : foolsm

Are you sure you want to change the source package name? Doing so fractures
the history of the package on tracker.d.o and it's not really necessary.

Quick package review:

 - d/postinst: I don't think it's useful to print the message about editing
   the config. I've only seen packages do that in special circumstances, do
   you have a justification for it being necessary here?
 - You declare Replaces+Conflicts on lsm but you don't seem to take any
   care for the new binary package to actually be compatible with the old
   one since the config location changed.
 - d/foolsm.init: Still has the old $CONFIG path


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