On Thursday 15 July 2004 15.15, Martin Dickopp wrote:
> Sebastian Henschel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> See Policy 9.3.2.  (Disclaimer: IANADD.)

Which does only say:
| To ensure that vital configurable values are always available, the
| init.d script should set default values for each of the shell
| variables it uses, either before sourcing the /etc/default/ file or
| afterwards using something like the : ${VAR:=default} syntax.
which isn't much.

IMHO, /etc/default files are an ugly kludge for when a daemon to be 
started form /etc/init.d scripts needs its configuration value to be 
given from environment variables or commandline parameters.

If your application has a proper configuration file, by all means use 
that and not /etc/default.

As for the name: IIRC (big If) RedHat introduced that directory, so 
you'd have to ask them.

-- vbi

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