Adeodato Simó wrote:
> * Bartosz Fenski aka fEnIo [Mon, 13 Dec 2004 23:27:12 +0100]:
>>Do we have *anything* which uses menu entries and it is not
>>X-Window-Manager or desktop environment like KDE/GNOME?
>>I'm just curious ;)
>   I'm surprised nobody replied to this. I'd say menu entries are mostly
>   meant to be used by window managers, so needs="text" does what you want.
It might currently work, but what happens if <some text based package> (e.g.
screen) implements a curses based menu using menu?

Then yadex is listed as a text item, so the menu runs it only to die
unexpectedly when yadex exits because there's no display.

I think using needs="x11" and executing it in x-terminal-emulator or using a
script to handle it is a better idea.

Version: 3.1
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David Mandelberg

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