a worse solution could be to wrap TkMan in a script, passing the
output of /usr/bin/manpath to an environment variable. brrr...

# wrap for TkMan

export MANPATH=`/usr/bin/manpath`
whatever to run tkman

On Fri, Sep 08, 2000 at 08:57:47AM +0300, Shaul Karl wrote:
> TkMan author insists on using the MANPATH environment variable.
> The bottom line is that
>         * TkMan used to have a variety of ways to set the MANPATH if it 
>         was not already set. The MANPATH is simple to set, is recognized
>         on all flavors of UNIX and all man-related tools, is easily 
>         customized, and does everything that these other ways did.  It 
>         is now the one and only way to communicate man directories to 
>         TkMan. 
> He is explaining his position quite throughly but basically I believe it 
> boils 
> to that he has found this to be the best way to handle different flavors of 
> This state of affairs contradicts section 3.9 of the policy.
> My current solution is to patch the programe with a conditional setting of 
> the 
> if {![info exists env(MANPATH)] || [string equal [string trim $env(MANPATH)] 
> ""]} {
> set env(MANPATH) [ exec /usr/bin/manpath ];}
> What are the acceptable ways to handle similar situations? Is there a better 
> way other then using /usr/bin/manpath?
> -- 
>       --  Shaul Karl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>       Donate free food to the world's hungry: see http://www.thehungersite.com
> --  
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