On Mon, Nov 20, 2000 at 03:53:12PM +0000, Paul Martin wrote:
> On Mon, Nov 20, 2000 at 08:05:06AM -0500, stramiello wrote:
> > How long does it take after submitting my info to the webpage until I hear
> > from an AM? Just curious since its been a few weeks...
> It can take months. Once you've been contacted by your AM, things can
> happen very quickly, if you're prepared for the questions they are going
> to ask you. I was lucky (and prepared): from the initial AM contact to
> the DAM providing me with a login took approximately 52 hours.

my AM is a very busy one and now a couple of months are gone since the first
contact. i'm still waiting for the "Philosophy and Procedures Check" being

as soon as i posted my application i looked around for a package to maintain,
it is 15 months (1 year and 3 months) that i maintain it and still i'm not a
debian maintainer. in these months i added a couple of new other packages to
my arsenal, that's ok. i'm sure that i know how to do some basic packaging... :)

so, everybody be happy with actual timelines. (i'm seriously thinking at
re-applicating to the nm queue... )

-----[ Domenico Andreoli, aka cavok
 --[ http://filibusta.crema.unimi.it/~cavok/gpgkey.asc
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