On 20030326T175919-0600, Drew Scott Daniels wrote:
> Imho, debian-email should be publicly accessible and a bug should be
> filed against lists.debian.org, but then I wonder if there's some
> "private" email going to debian-email that shouldn't go to

Because most people on debian-private are not interested in what
debian-email gets.  The -email list is am archiver for Debian-related
(private) conversations.  If you are a developer, you can see what kind
of mails it gets from its private archives.

I believe -private used to be used for this but then people decided they
don't want to receive those mails.  This was before my time, however.

%%% Antti-Juhani Kaijanaho % [EMAIL PROTECTED] % http://www.iki.fi/gaia/ %%%

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