Hi mentors,

I have recently released a package for Wims, distributed under GPL.

Wims is a an interactive web exercise server, 
 featuring one simple language for exercise generation, and a more
 complete language which allows to benefit from almost every interesting
 application running on a gnulinux base. It already comes with a load of
 exercises, mainly ine the matematic and scientific field. Other
 features are virtual class handling, powerful random generators for the
 creation of dynamic exercises, and strong anti-cheating mechanisms
 which allow to organize inline exams controlled by the wims server.

You can test it inline at http://wims.unice.fr/wims/ , and find the
upstream sources on the same site.

Previous versions of this package were made by Raphael Hertzog, for a
french education distribution (DebianEducation), just before he created
the debian-edu development group. I released successive versions based
on this first packaging, trying to make them more FHS-compliant. It
became more and more difficult to avoid multiple bugs, as the upstream
versions grew more powerful and more complicated. This work had been
sponsored by John O'Sullivan, who is no more part of the debian

As bugs needed an increasing number of random hacks and workarounds, I 
decided this summer to repackage Wims from scratch, with the help of some
scripts to highlight all parts of the upstream tree which needed to be
moved and relinked to comply with the FHS. Meanwhile, Gang Xiao, the author
of Wims, integrated new features into his development like support for
PNG and MNG generation as an alternative for GIF, making obsolete patches
I wrote to output images and animations with a good compression ratio,
using free software.

So I released recently a version 3.40 of wims, which corrects the bugs
reported about version 3.28, and whose packaging is more readable and
understandable, offers more working features (because a more strict
FHS compliance) than the buggy 3.28 package, which suffers from many
bugs. Please find at
a recent discussion about it.

I'b be glad to encounter a sponsor to upload the last package, which is
already used by association OFSET for Freeduc-CD (see
http://ofset.org/freeduc-cd), available at

  deb ftp://developer.ofset.org sarge main
  deb-src ftp://developer.ofset.org sarge main

Best regards,                   Georges.

Georges KHAZNADAR et Jocelyne FOURNIER
22 rue des mouettes, 59240 Dunkerque France.
Téléphone +33 (0)3 28 29 17 70

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