
I've created my first Debian packages, namely bandwidthd.

Original source is available from:

It's released under the GPL and is a logging and graphing daemon which
uses libpcap to collect information and (optionally) create graphs per
ip. Extremely easy to configure.

The packages are available from:
Latest version right now (1.2.1b-8) is at:

(They are built on my PentiumIII running Debian Testing...)

Any suggestions on how to improve the package are welcome. I have read
the new maintainer guide, but feel free to point me to any documentation
that will be helpful for me.

My plan is to, once I feel the package is mature enough, try to find a
sponsor. Any suggestions on how to successfully establish a
sponsor-relation is welcome. Primarily how to find a DD who is willing to
sponsor my package.

If you can help me out with creating manpages please get in touch with
me! Hopefully I'll atleast get someone to test the package.

Andreas Henriksson

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