On Thu, 08 Jul 2004, James Stone wrote:
> I have had a look at R. For my purposes (a drop in replacement for
> sigmaplot or excel), R is overkill, not to say difficult to learn
> with a steep learning curve..

No doubt. R is a bit overkill for almost everything normal people
do. [But when you need its features, it's often the only thing that
will work.]
> Also it outputs in scalable vectors which is nice for Latex
> formatting..

Presumably it does postscript or svg output... (R does the former, and
you can trivially convert to the later.)

> The upstream author seems keen to add features, but I think it needs
> to be in the Debian packages to get more exposure.

Could be. I'm not that familiar with the package and not really
speaking against it... just attempting to clear up a misconception
about R.

Don Armstrong

For a moment, nothing happened. Then, after a second or so, nothing
continued to happen.
 -- Douglas Adams


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