On Thu, Apr 20, 2006 at 09:30:52PM +0200, Raphael Hertzog wrote:
> On Thu, 20 Apr 2006, Marco Bertorello wrote:
> > denyhosts-python2.3
> > denyhosts-python2.4
> > denyhosts-common

> > the binaries are stored in packages -python2.X but the manpage (common
> > to alla packages) is stored in denyhosts-common.

> Why would you have a binary in -python2.3 *and* in -python2.4 ?

> And why can't you simply provide a single package an you make the choice
> to use either python2.3 or python2.4 ?

> I don't see the gain of having two versions of the same application just
> to work with two different python version... (it's different for Python
> modules because the user must be able to use the modules with the Python
> version of its choice)

denyhosts-python2.3/2.4 do contain a python module.  If and when the Great
Python Reorganization finally happens, this ought to be a single denyhosts
package depending on python (>> 2.3), python (<< 2.5).

In the meantime, the current packages have an RC bug, #361085, about the
fact that denyhosts-comon *does* include a binary that tries to support both
versions of python, but without appropriate dependencies to ensure a
consistent python configuration.

> If your application works with python2.3 (default python version for the
> moment), then you use that and you're done. Once python2.4 is the default,
> you update your package to work with python 2.4 and you're done.

Since the package installs public modules, it seems to me that putting the
modules and the app in a single package is the wrong solution.

However, trying to make the application package auto-switch between two
different versions of python is also the wrong solution.

Steve Langasek                   Give me a lever long enough and a Free OS
Debian Developer                   to set it on, and I can move the world.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                                   http://www.debian.org/

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