On Sun, 2006-07-02 at 16:28 +0200, Soren Hansen wrote:
> On Sun, Jul 02, 2006 at 11:18:39PM +0900, Satoru Takeuchi wrote: 
> > 1. package stable release version
> > 2. package developing version and don't apply any extra patches
> > 3. package developing version and apply bug fix patch
> > 4. wait for upstream to apply bug fix patch and release stable release
> > 5. something else...
> The stable version has many bugs in it, so (1) seems pointless.
> If you go with (3), you will probably get a bug report, possibly with a
> patch attached, and you would then proceed to actually do (2).
> If upstream is as dead as you imply (4) will be a looong time in the
> future.
> If you have too much time, you can take over or fork upstream and apply
> any fixes you want and then package that. If you do not have time for
> this, I would go for (2).
Soren: I believe you've mixed the numbers saying (2) instead of (3) and
vice versa in your whole post. If not I disagree with you.

Satoru: So go with (3), and have the fix as a Debian specific patch for
now. If upstream is dead and noone is willing to take over you might
consider not packaging it at all.

Best regards 


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