
On Die, 26 Sep 2006, K??stutis Bili??nas wrote:
> This packages can be found on my repository at
> http://kebil.ghost.lt/debian/pool/littex/

Nice package, well done. SOme comments:

- build-depends on tex-common (>= 0.19) would be good as this fixes a
  bug in dh_installtex. The bug doesn't hit you, but you might change
  once your way of calling dh_installtex and then. 

- remove unneeded dh_ calls (at least):
  dh_strip, dh_makeshlibs, dh_shlibdeps

- why do you recommend tetex-extra? Is there a specific reason? And if
  yes, could you provide an alternative rec on a texlive package?

Best wishes


Dr. Norbert Preining <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>                    Università di Siena
Debian Developer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>                         Debian TeX Group
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