On Sun, Jan 14, 2007 at 08:34:21PM +0100, Andreas Barth wrote:
> Well, I would recommend that common packaging hints should go to the
> developers reference, and please only one thing per bug report. (Taste
> issues however won't go there, different people have different tastes,
> that's a feature).
I agree.  However, I think the issue concerns the "requirement" that
someone's preferences be followed.  For example, it is one thing to say,
"I can't sponsor your package because you use cdbs and I don't know
anything about it."  It is completely different to say, "I won't sponsor
your package because I don't like the changelog format you used."

Now, if something is a legitimate issue, it should be identified by
lintian and/or linda in addition to being mentioned in policy and/or the
developer reference.



Roberto C. Sanchez

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