On 6/27/07, Ben Finney wrote:
What license do you have for the package? "non-free" isn't a license,
it's a descriptor.

the entire contents of the steam-powered package are fully licensed
under the GPL (there is no non-free content in the package).  however,
the steam-powered script does download non-free content from the
http://www.steampowered.com website when it is run (this process is
similar to msttcorefonts and other contrib packages mentioned above).
the downloaded content (the steam executable for windows) is under
Valve's Steam License Agreement.  the Valve license is presented to
the user when they run the script, and they are asked to agree with
the terms imposed by the steam software.

i think the package is ok to go into contrib as is.

On 6/27/07, Gonéri Le Bouder wrote:
steam-powered is a downloader script like flashplugin-nonfree or
quake2-data are so it can go in contrib.

i have modified the control file so the package will go into contrib/games.

About your package, there is still some minor lintian warnings

i fixed the lintian warnings by making sure my name matches as the
maintainer in both the changelog and the control file.  there are no
longer any lintian warnings!

and /usr/bin/steam-powered should be in /usr/games/steam-powered.

i have updated the package so that the script is put in /usr/games.

Your package should also depends on wine and curl since your script use

the control file already has dependencies on wine, curl, cabextract,
whiptail, and catdoc, so i think this is ok?

I think so should also remove the --silent flag of curl or at last
provide a --verbose parameter to disable it.

i modified curl to use the --progress-bar option instead of --silent
so that a simple progress meter is presented to the user.

the new version of steam-powered (0.8.1) has now been uploaded to
mentors.  please review it at

thanks for the constructive feedback and helpful ideas.


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