On Die, 04 Sep 2007, Patrick Schoenfeld wrote:
> 1) Variant 1:
> I could install the files to /usr/share/doc, but not with dh_installdocs
>  so that they don't get compressed and then link them to the target
> directory (/usr/share/password-gorilla).

dh_installdocs does not compress (AFAIR), it is dh_compress. And you can
give dh_compress the -X option to exclude those file from being

> 2) Variant 2:
> Install them to /usr/share/doc AND to the target directory.
> 3) Variant 3:
> Install them only to the target directory.

Variant 4, probably to be preferred:
Install it into /usr/share/password-gorilla/ and add only a link from
/usr/share/doc/password-gorilla, so that they won't be compressed.

Best wishes


Dr. Norbert Preining <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>        Vienna University of Technology
Debian Developer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>                         Debian TeX Group
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`I think you ought to know that I'm feeling very
`Life, don't talk to me about life.'
`Here I am, brain the size of a planet and they ask me to
take you down to the bridge. Call that "job satisfaction"?
'Cos I don't.'
`I've got this terrible pain in all the diodes down my
left side.'
                 --- Guess who.
                 --- Douglas Adams, The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy

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