* Mihamina (R12y) Rakotomandimby <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2007-09-11 02:28]:
> There is a list of softwares already debian packaged.
> The packager has applied a patch on them.
> I need to modify again the patched part.
> So, I need to "patch the patch".
> I guess in real world I wont patch the patch, but what is the easy way to do 
> so?
> I know a bit using dpatch (or is there a replacement for it? I dont remember) 
> but then,...
> Thank you for your indications.

Is the original patch also using dpatch? If yes you can 
simply use dpatch-edit-patch <file> to get into a dpatch 
environment, edit the files and dpatch will update the patch 
file for you.
Nico Golde - http://ngolde.de - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - GPG: 0x73647CFF
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