I would beg everyone in the thread to keep calm. There seems to have
been a miscomunication among all of us, so lets let it that way and
forget about it, please. It won't do any good for anyone to keep
discissing this. To be honest, when I read the first mail I thought
"How can this be? They're doing us an NMU for some bugs that are not
extremelly urgent, they haven't even notified us about it, and they
haven't sent eny patches to the BTS?". I guess that's why everyone in
the mailing list was so shocked, because we (me, at least) didn't
understand what was happening. In fact the letters NMU have a very
clear and concise meaning, that's an upload to Debian's repositories,
from a person that's not the maintainer, to solve a problem in the
minimal disruptive form. The usage of the word NMU for a different
thing, as in this case, seems to have confused us all.

For the future, I'd prefer that whoever wants to help the Games Team
send patches to the BTS. It's much easier for everyone. We're handling
all the packages in a subversion server, and it's not as simple as to
get the package and upload it as it is, we have to commit the changes
there too. Furthermore, there might be changes already there that
might not be uploaded yet, so those should also be added to the
package to be uploaded. To sum up, it's quite a big amount of work for
us to extract the patches from the already made packege.

Now that all the situation has been clarified, lets all continue with
our work :)


2007/9/13, Thanasis Kinias <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> scripsit Cyril Brulebois:
> [...]
> > The Right Thing to do is to contact the maintainers first. And it is not
> > like the Games Team were totally unresponsive, especially when it comes
> > to handling copyright-related problems (see Miriam's — in particular but
> > not only — incredible work bugging upstreams to clarify their license /
> > consider relicensing).
> >
> > > > is to do a non-DD NMU and let the Games Team sponsor it if they
> > > > want...  it seemed silly to duplicate the work.
> >
> > What about letting the team some time to react and fix its package?
> [...]
> Hey Games Team,
> I'm sorry about the confusion here.  Neil's perplexing hostility toward
> me seems unfortunately to have set the tone for discussion.  Let me
> clarify a few things:
> 1) I'm not a DD so I can't _really_ do an NMU.  I made an NMU package
> for my own personal use, fixing the problems I identified.  I filed
> bugs, assigning severity as I understood was appropriate (and I stand by
> assigning Serious severity to violating policy MUSTs).  The I uploaded
> my package to mentors.debian.net and sent e-mails mentioning that it was
> there, and that if they wanted to the Games Team could simply sponsor
> the upload -- or do whatever they wanted to with it.  I specifically did
> _not_ request to have anyone else sponsor the upload; that would have
> been grossly inappropriate and I am displeased to think that anyone
> should have thought that was my objective.
> 2) I could have posted three separate patches to the three bugs I'd
> filed -- or I could just upload a package from which the maintainer
> could do a quick diff and see what's there.  I thought making a
> ready-to-upload package available might ease the workload on the Games
> Team -- but only, of course, if the Team accepted it.
> Again, I'm sorry about the confusion.  I'm just trying to be helpful :)
> --
> Thanasis Kinias
> Doctoral Candidate, Department of History, and
>   Instructor, Professional Enhancement Programs
> Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona, U.S.A.
> .
> Je ne viens d'aucun pays, d'aucune cité, d'aucune tribu.  Je suis fils de la
> route, ma patrie est caravane, et ma vie la plus inattendue des traversées.
>   -- Amin Maalouf, _Léon l'Africain_
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