"Leo \"costela\" Antunes" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hello Leo,

thank you very much for your feedback.  It seems that another pair of
eyes is likely to detect issues that have gone unnoticed for a long

> I am fairly inexperienced with docbook and python policy, but here are a
> few remarks that I hope make sense:
> - the package adds a Makefile on '/usr/share/dblatex/tests/mathml/'

You're right.  The whole subtree tests/ is superfluous for running
dblatex.  No need to install it.

> - I'm not sure the lintian override for the changelog line length is
> necessary; you could just mention "bug # on the sourceforge tracker".
> Using the override could mask a future line length issue, and even
> though this is certainly something minor, I personally don't think it's
> worth it.

I don't find a search possibility for SourceForge bugs that is
independent of a project.  Maybe just being blind...  Anyway, the SF
dblatex project tracker can be used, thus you are right: the link can be
omitted.  (By the way, I had the intention to remove the override with
the next release, as the check only applies to the most recent release.)

> - the wrapper in /usr/bin seems strange, isn't there a better way to
> implement this? The way I see it, it makes the script in
> /usr/share/dblatex a bit redundant.

The other way around, /usr/share/dblatex/scripts/dblatex is superfluous.
My fault, the native installation procedure uses this file as a template
for creating /usr/local/bin/dblatex, but naturally does not install the
template itself.  (This has gone unnoticed due to a bug in my check
script for comparing native with debian install contents :-( )

> - perhaps you could remove the sourceforge site link from the
> description? It's linked from the homepage.


> Overall, I'd say doing a quick check with debc, aside from lintian is
> always a good idea, but the package seems good.
> After you take a look at these issues (or just justify them) I can
> sponsor you, if no one with more expertise in this sort of package pops
> up until - let's say - monday.

Thanks, great!


If there doesn't arise negative feedback to my plans, I intend to fix
these issues tomorrow (sunday) and upload 0.2.8-2 to mentors.debian.net.

Bye, Andreas
Andreas Hoenen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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