On Mon, 2008-04-21 at 10:14 -0700, Kevin B. McCarty wrote:
> Neil Williams wrote:
> >> 1) Always run the test suite (for example to catch bugs that may not
> >> occur on the developper's architecture)
> > 
> > Yes. (That is the main point of having a test suite.)
> I agree with this (of course with the caveat that
> DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS=nocheck should disable the test suite).  But I'll add
> a minor and maybe obvious exception -- one should disable or rework any
> parts of the test suite that would need any of the following:
> * An X server (e.g. for GUI tests)
> * A working network connection
> * Write access to the file system outside the build directory (with
>   obvious exceptions like /tmp)
> * Interactivity

IMHO test suites that require any of these external requirements are
simply not sane.

I would therefore like to qualify the original statement as you
describe, Kevin - a sane test suite should always be run and a test
suite that is not sane should be fixed upstream. Wherever possible, the
remainder of the test suite should be enabled.

Neil Williams <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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