On Thu, 2009-03-26 at 18:15 +0100, Thibaut Paumard wrote:
> Hi,
> you could provide the .jar in non-free, and the DFSG free part which  
> actually runs on the host could Suggest this non-free package. You  
> need to provide a mean to upload it to the cellphone from the Debian  
> box.
> Then of course you could try and see whether the .jar can be build
> by  
> a DFSG free compiler. I know close to nothing about this, so I  
> couldn't tell how likely it is.
> Distributing non-DFSG-free software in main, even if it is not  
> supposed to run on the Debian host and can be considered data...
> will  
> probably be rejected.
> Regards, Thibaut.

Regarding the DFSG-compliance of this .jar, I've looked through the
DFSG, and don't see where this could be a problem. DFSG mainly prohibits
distribution of binaries without sources. This is a binary with the
source, but cannot be compiled due to a non-free build-dependency.
Chow Loong Jin

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