Andrea Bolognani <> writes:

> Since the upstream website has been redesigned, the watch file for one
> of my packages[1] has stopped working.

Which leaves your package with a new bug: a ‘debian/watch’ file that no
longer works. Right?

> The fix is a trivial one-line patch, so I was wondering if such a
> minor change could warrant a new upload.

Many critical security bug fixes are trivial one-line patches. Why would
the size of the patch be a factor in whether you should make a new

Yes, certainly fixing any bug (even one not yet reported) is enough
justification for making a new release.

 \        “Intellectual property is to the 21st century what the slave |
  `\                              trade was to the 16th.” —David Mertz |
_o__)                                                                  |
Ben Finney

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