
On Fri, 29 May 2009, Alexander Prinsier wrote:
> PS: can I bother you when I have an update available for agedu or should
> I mail to debian-mentors again?

You could email to me with a cc to debian-mentors. It may just happen
that I am unavailable at the time and someone else will sponsor the
package if you send a copy to debian-mentors.

> PS2: for DD's, is it customary to upload a new version to unstable even
> if it only fixes a small issue? Or should small issues be batched into
> one update? Couldn't find an answer on this in the Debian policy.

There is no one formula to fit this.

If you think that the package looks bad without this fix and/or there
is a release/freeze coming up then it is better to fix even small-ish
issues. On the other hand if there is a lot of upstream flux or the
package is new and is likely to draw a lot of comments/bugs then it
may be better to wait so as to incorporate all these as well.



P.S. There was a discussion on "what fixes are too small" on
debian-mentors a couple of months ago but I couldn't locate it in my

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