Am Donnerstag, den 04.06.2009, 15:37 -0400 schrieb Victor Castillejo:
> For Arc-Colors, nuno designed the KDE4 login screen, on which the
> wallpapers are based on. Daniel P. Fore did the original xml file and
> textboxes, which was then heavily modified to suit Arc-Colors.

For nuno "Arc-*.png" would be the correct pattern? Which files are the
textboxes? It looks like all files (except the wallpapers) are derived
from Daniel P. Fore. Is that right?

> For the GNOME-Colors, almost all of them are indeed from Tango/GNOME
> sources. Many of the new icons were also created by simply combining
> these sources, and many of the old icons have been replaced by their
> gnome-icon-theme's new one-canvas counterpart in recent versions.
> There are about 10-13 icons in total (plus about 10 more which are
> derived from these, and their duplicates in in each set), for which
> the 48px scalable files are based on Elementary icons by Daniel P.
> Fore. The smaller files were made by me, since Elementary did not have
> those sizes at the time gnome-colors was created.
> I'll try to make a list of all the icons if necessary, but it seems
> like that will take a long time to manually go through all of them.

Evgeni, your opinion? I think, it would be nice, but not necessary.

> BTW, is the Shiki package the only one that needs "This package is
> licensed under GNU General Public License version 3, or any later
> version.", or should the other packages have similar lines be added to
> their AUTHORS files?

Like Evgeni already wrote, all packages should have such a line in the
authors file (gnome-colors and arc-colors can only be GPL version 2
without "or any later version").

Evgeni, can you have a look at the debian/copyright files in bazaar
repository if I missed something?

So long for today,

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