Le mardi 29 décembre 2009 21:10:41, Michael Gilbert a écrit :
> Hi,


[context: I'm the owner of yuicompressor ITP #519938]

> I have put together a protoaculous package for the packages currently
> embedding it (which of course leads to difficulty when it comes to
> security updates).  I am looking for a sponsor that would be willing
> to upload the package.  Note that I also had to package yui-compressor
> (which already had an ITP #519938 that appeared to have stalled).

I haven't seen any ping from you regarding #519938. As a general guideline, if 
an ITP is assigned to someone you should try to contact him before working 
alone on your side :)

For example, I would have said to you that there is already a preview package 
in pkg-java SVN repository :

This preview package contains :
- a debian/watch file
- a reviewed debian/copyright

but it's missing some interesting bits from your package :
- a manpage
- a launcher shell script

I think your first step will be to commit this work to pkg-java SVN repository 
(you can request access on [1]).

Secondly, to explain the "stalled" status of this ITP :
yuicompressor used a modified and embeded version of rhino Javascript library. 
YUI Compressor won't work with genuine rhino debian package [2].

I've seen in your debian/rules that you are trying to "apt-get source rhino" 
during build : it seems wrong from my point of view. You cannot rely on deb-
src lines in /etc/apt/sources.list to build your package and you cannot 
download source code during build (even when using apt-get).

One possible short term solution will be to create a new rhino-source package 
(like we have cacao-source package) to cleanly Build-Depends from but I 
haven't had time to work on it (patches welcome :).

Other mid-term solution, will be to fix yuicompressor to use clean AST 
(Abstract Syntax Tree) processor [3].

[1] https://alioth.debian.org/projects/pkg-java/
[2] http://yuilibrary.com/projects/yuicompressor/ticket/1859529
[3] Expected to be released in next rhino.

Damien Raude-Morvan - http://damien.raude-morvan.com/

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