On 15/01/11 16:51, Kan-Ru Chen wrote:
Tony Houghton<h...@realh.co.uk>  writes:

On 15/01/11 08:26, Kan-Ru Chen wrote:
OK. When I was doing the final test, roxterm existed immediately after
launch. 1.18.5-3, however, has no such problem. I suspect it's only my
environment, x86_64-linux-gnu. Do you have any clue?

Can you rebuild it without the debugging symbols being stripped and get
a backtrace?

I tried. Not very useful, the backtrace only shows a "child-exited"
signal from somewhere.

Please use the attached patch so we can see what command it's trying to
run. Does it make a difference if you use a custom command or change the
"Login shell" option? And in case you're not using standard Debian
libvte packages let me know, because roxterm uses a different fork command with 0.26 or newer.

diff --git a/src/roxterm.c b/src/roxterm.c
index 469d9df..3324d36 100644
--- a/src/roxterm.c
+++ b/src/roxterm.c
@@ -552,6 +552,9 @@ static char *roxterm_fork_command(VteTerminal *terminal,
         const char *working_directory,
         gboolean lastlog, gboolean utmp, gboolean wtmp, pid_t *pid)
+    char *avs = g_strjoinv(" ", argv);
+    g_debug("command: %s, argv: %s", command, avs);
+    g_free(avs);
     GPid *ppid = (GPid *) pid;
     GError *error = NULL;

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