On 06/23/2011 14:36:38, Christoph Egger wrote:
> Hi!
Hi !

> [...]
> Unfortunately the packages does not build here (full build log
> attached). You can use tools like sbuild or pbuilder to make sure 
> your
> package builds fine with just your build-depends around.

Yes, I made a little lack of understanding about what can be needed to 
build a perl package, build-deps fixed, understanding too. And Pbuilder 
is now my friend ;)

Here, you can find a new revision of pacpl :

with a new bug fixed (was reported lately) :

thank you for your time.
Maxime Chatelle, human from earth, 010001111 | cm94IGxvdmVyCg== 
<mchatelle ↯ linux-france ↯ org> <mmyc ↯ gmx ↯ com> gpl-kpr
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