Hi Adam,

On Mon, 2011-07-04 at 11:11 +0200, Adam Borowski wrote:
> On Mon, Jul 04, 2011 at 08:49:59AM +0200, Kilian Krause wrote:
> > 1. Using dh-autoreconf is ugly. Please try to avoid it and backport the
> > full regenerated configure in your patch to make sure the source is
> > identical on all buildds. IMHO dh-autoreconf is a solution for a local
> > build that you maintain for yourself outside of Debian, but not for an
> > official pacakge.
> You mean, you want to discourage actually building from source?

absolutely not. It should be the source. But a known working one. Not
something that may end up working by chance.

> That's a huge disservice, especially in case the security team has to make a
> fix and suddenly realizes the package hasn't been able to build from the
> real source for years.

That exactly was my idea too. To ship a source that is known and can be
predicted regarding changes. If a security upload would be required but
autoconf generates a broken configure due to some circumstances that
couldn't be predicted at time the package was uploaded to unstable this
is bad and will cause more time to be spent than what would actually be
required for *only* fixing the bug.

In other words I did say: generate whatever dh-autoconf would get you
dynamically, test it, put it together as a patch and ship that patch
statically for everyone to read what exactly the change is instead of
hushing it up inside a large set of deep magic (that in my experience
may or may not work based on "random" circumstances - depending on the
upstream sources).

Best regards,

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