Le samedi 25 juin 2011 17:16:58, Ignace Mouzannar a écrit :
> Dear mentors,

Hi Ignace :)

> I am looking for a sponsor for my package "tsung". As is written in
> Erlang, I thought I would send an email on the pkg-erlang-devel
> mailing list before trying my luck on debian-mentors@. But as I did
> not get an answer there, I am trying my luck here.
> As I regularly use tsung at work to perform load tests of our web
> applications, I wanted to see it in the official Debian repository. So
> I packaged it.
> Here are the details of the package [1]:
> ----------8<---------------------------8<----------
> * Package name    : tsung
>  Version         : 1.3.3-1
>  Upstream Author : Nicolas Niclausse <nico...@niclux.org>
> * URL             : http://tsung.erlang-projects.org/
> * License         : GPL-2
>  Section         : net

I just had a quick look at your package, and I've some comments :
- I got "Failed: 31.  Skipped: 0.  Passed: 121" test cases, is this expected 
to have this much failed test results ? did you see same result ?
- ${perl:Depends} seems useless (you do too much perl packaging :)
- Regarding license issue, sadly, I agree with Benoît : since Erlang PL is 
largely based on MPL, it is GPL-incompatible [1].
  -> You should report this upstream.
  -> Since only 3 files are under Erlang PL, maybe we can drop those and build 
a +dfsg tarball ?

[1] http://www.tomhull.com/ocston/docs/mozgpl.html


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