Hi Peter,

On Fri, Jul 15, 2011 at 01:06:09PM -0400, Peter Bennett wrote:
> Thank you Arno for your assistance.
> I have uploaded a new version of jampal, 02.01.05-1
> All problems previously noted have been fixed.

Having a closer look I find the version number.. uhm... "interesting" ;-)

Nevertheless there's nothing wrong with it, so nothing to complain here.

> The lintian appears to be clean
> lintian -I --pedantic jampal_02.01.05-1.dsc
> gives no error.

As you stress this I'm tempted to give you my output (including -X):
W: tagbkup: manpage-has-errors-from-man usr/share/man/man1/tagbkup.1.gz Invalid 
or incomplete multibyte or wide character
X: jampal: duplicate-files usr/share/doc/jampal/html/favicon.ico.gz 
W: jampal: classpath-contains-relative-path usr/share/jampal/jampal.jar: 
W: jampal: manpage-has-errors-from-man usr/share/man/man1/jampal.1.gz Invalid 
or incomplete multibyte or wide character

none of which are truly harmful though. Especially the manpage errors are a
quite frequent false positive.

> I am looking for a sponsor for my package "jampal".
> - dget
> http://mentors.debian.net/debian/pool/contrib/j/jampal/jampal_02.01.05-1.dsc

What I did stumble upon is the build-depends against rsync. After closely
checking that seems to be bordering abuse yet nothing that is formally
wrong. I'm somewhat unsure though why "cp -a" wouldn't do the same thing
here. Eventually the CVS exlude would require some extra rm lines but apart
from that I don't really see the benfit.

As a side note it seems the DEP-5 Format URL is broken even though it's
verbatim the style DEP-5 demands for AFAICT. Still strange though.

Anyway, built, signed, uploaded.


Best regards,

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