Antonio Valentino <> writes:

> the url of the product to be downloaded for test is


> Uhm, how much is it important to test the package at build time?

That's partly a decision for the package maintainer in each case.

There is some movement, especially in the Debian Python community, to
standardise running a package's automated tests at build time; but
there's certainly no requirement that it be done.

> In this case I'm a little reluctant to include *that* data in debian
> archive (after all the upstream package is distributed without it).

Don't be. That's not a reason to avoid distributing it in Debian, if
it's useful overall to Debian recipients to do so.

The question remains about getting a free-software license to do so, but
you're aware of that now.

> Anyway if testing the package at build time is considered very
> important I can try to contact ESA and ask for more details about
> license terms for re-distribution.

Thank you for your efforts to improve Debian and free software.

 \            “Simplicity is prerequisite for reliability.” —Edsger W. |
  `\                                                          Dijkstra |
_o__)                                                                  |
Ben Finney

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