Le Wednesday 14 September 2011 06:44:11, Daniel Schaal a écrit :
> I uploaded an updated package to http://mentors.debian.net/package/bino

Here are some comments:

- debian/copyright: In fact the "simple All-Permissive License" you mention 
  is very close to BSD 2-clause license [1]. To respect Dep-5 syntax, you 
  should use a short name in license field. I.e not:

   Files: pkg/macosx/*
   Copyright: 2011 Frédéric Devernay <frederic.dever...@inrialpes.fr>
   License: Simple All-Permissive License

 But, IMHO, something like this (also easier to review):

   Files: pkg/macosx/*
   Copyright: 2011 Frédéric Devernay <frederic.dever...@inrialpes.fr>
   License: BSD-2-clause-like

- debian/control: 'config-edit -appli dpkg -ui none' reports some issues 
  on some versioned dependencies:

  Warning in 'control source Build-Depends:3' value 'libavcodec-dev (>= 0.7)': 
unnecessary versioned dependency: 
>= 0.7. Debian has etch-security -> 0.cvs20060823-8+etch1; etch -> 
>0.cvs20060823-8+etch1; lenny -> 
0.svn20080206-18+lenny1; lenny-p-u -> 0.svn20080206-18+lenny3; lenny-security 
-> 0.svn20080206-18+lenny3; squeeze 
-> 4:0.5.2-6; squeeze-p-u -> 4:0.5.4-1; squeeze-security -> 4:0.5.4-1; wheezy 
-> 4:0.7.1-5; sid -> 4:0.7.1-7;
  Warning in 'control source Build-Depends:4' value 'libavformat-dev (>= 0.7)': 
unnecessary versioned dependency: 
>= 0.7. Debian has etch-security -> 0.cvs20060823-8+etch1; etch -> 
>0.cvs20060823-8+etch1; lenny -> 
0.svn20080206-18+lenny1; lenny-p-u -> 0.svn20080206-18+lenny3; lenny-security 
-> 0.svn20080206-18+lenny3; squeeze 
-> 4:0.5.2-6; squeeze-p-u -> 4:0.5.4-1; squeeze-security -> 4:0.5.4-1; wheezy 
-> 4:0.7.1-5; sid -> 4:0.7.1-7;
 Warning in 'control source Build-Depends:5' value 'libavdevice-dev (>= 0.7)': 
unnecessary versioned dependency: 
>= 0.7. Debian has lenny -> 0.svn20080206-18+lenny1; lenny-p-u -> 
>0.svn20080206-18+lenny3; lenny-security -> 
0.svn20080206-18+lenny3; squeeze -> 4:0.5.2-6; squeeze-p-u -> 4:0.5.4-1; 
squeeze-security -> 4:0.5.4-1; wheezy -> 
4:0.7.1-5; sid -> 4:0.7.1-7;

  In these cases, the versioned dependency is useless if it does not 
  include the epoch (here the '4:' version prefix)

  [ config-edit also complains about 
   not matching regexp ^http://.. Ahem... Ooops ... That's a config-edit bug 
that I'm 
   going to fix ASAP :-p ]

- "lintian -i -I ../bino_1.2.0-1_amd64.deb" reports:
  I: bino: hyphen-used-as-minus-sign usr/share/man/man1/bino.1.gz:201
  I: bino: hyphen-used-as-minus-sign usr/share/man/man1/bino.1.gz:203
  I: bino: possible-documentation-but-no-doc-base-registration

  Is it possible to fix these issues ?

Otherwise, the package looks good. Good work :-)


[1] http://www.opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php
http://config-model.wiki.sourceforge.net/ -o- http://search.cpan.org/~ddumont/
http://www.ohloh.net/accounts/ddumont     -o- http://ddumont.wordpress.com/

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