
On Tue, Nov 01, 2011 at 10:24:54PM +0000, Iain Lane wrote:
> […] 
> I thought derivatives and mentors people might be interested to know
> that there's going to be a session about what the workflow for getting
> new packages into Ubuntu should look like at UDS on Friday at 10:00 EDT
> (14:00 GMT).

This happened earlier. As a quick summary of things that are relevant to
these lists:

  - After a quick consultation with developers, Ubuntu will be
    deprecating REVU. This is rather more immediate than I had
  - We will continue to inform maintainers of new packages that they
    really ought to be targetting Debian, but we identified two
    documents that should exist
    + An Ubuntu document “Why Debian?” that presses the compelling case
      for contributing packages upstream. We have [0], but I imagine
      something more
    + A Debian document “How Debian?” which speaks to upstreams wishing
      to maintain their own software in Debian. This isn't a packaging
      guide, but a process one — how to find teams and get reviews, and
      so on.
  - Still hope to use mentors, extending it with the concept of
    derivatives for the rare cases this is needed or, if mentors folk
    aren't happy with this, then I guess we could run our own instance
    but this would likely have the same problems as REVU does.

Help welcomed, especially with “How Debian?”. Until the derivatives
stuff is done, we'll be conducting the few reviews that are necessary
informally out of VCSes or on IRC.


Iain Lane                                  [ i...@orangesquash.org.uk ]
Debian Developer                                   [ la...@debian.org ]
Ubuntu Developer                                   [ la...@ubuntu.com ]
PhD student                                       [ i...@cs.nott.ac.uk ]

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