Thibaut Paumard <> writes:
> So you have :
> - 7MB documentation;
> - 3MB other ach-indep data;
> - some arch-dep data (the amount is not much relevant :-) )
> Is the doc necessary for reliable use of the package, or is is just that
> you get an error message when clicking Help->User Manual?

In the moment, also the program logo is taken from the doc which is used
in the "about" message. Both "Help" and "About" are broken if the doc
package is not there -- and they mess up the application (they create
unclosable windows). So I think the easiest solution is to create a
strong dependency.

> If it makes sense to not install the documentation, I would split in three:

I see a potential use case in installing the documentation, but not the
program (someone wants to browse the doc on a machine that cannot
install all dependencies of ds9, f.e. a ebook-reader based on Debian ;-) 
-- however I have no feeling how realistic this is.

Also, with some additional patching, I would probably just be able to
disable the help if the directory is not there, and make the logo
optional (the package needs many patches anyway; one more would not
count). Then, ignoring the doc would allow to have a smaller footprint;
however the program is only used on machines where a few megabytes do
not matter at all.



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