
I'm trying to build a Debian package but I have found a problem with a
libboost dependency. I'm totally new to building Debian packages. I'm using
bzr builddeb for building. It generates a .dsc file containing:
Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 8.0.0), libfreetype6-dev, libunittest++-dev
(>= 1.3.0), zlib1g (>= 1:1.1.4), libpng-dev, libboost-date-time-dev,

But when all files are compiled and it is going to link, it fails with the
following error (from .build log):
error while loading shared libraries: libboost_date_time.so.1.42.0: cannot
open shared object file: No such file or directory

At this point I'm completely lost because libboost_date_time version 1.42.0
is installed in my machine, as dpkg shows:

$ dpkg -l | grep 'boost'
ii libboost-date-time-dev date-time libraries based on generic
programming (default version)
rc libboost-date-time1.42.0 1.42.0-4ubuntu2 set of date-time libraries
based on generic programming concepts
ii libboost-date-time1.46-dev 1.46.1-7ubuntu3 set of date-time libraries
based on generic programming concepts
ii libboost-date-time1.46.1 1.46.1-7ubuntu3 set of date-time libraries
based on generic programming concepts
rc libboost-python1.42.0 1.42.0-4ubuntu2 Boost.Python Library
rc libboost-python1.46.1 1.46.1-5ubuntu2 Boost.Python Library
ii libboost-serialization1.42.0 1.42.0-4ubuntu2 serialization library for
ii libboost-serialization1.46-dev 1.46.1-7ubuntu3 serialization library for
ii libboost-serialization1.46.1 1.46.1-7ubuntu3 serialization library for
ii libboost-thread-dev portable C++ multi-threading (default
rc libboost-thread1.42.0 1.42.0-4ubuntu2 portable C++ multi-threading
ii libboost-thread1.46-dev 1.46.1-7ubuntu3 portable C++ multi-threading
ii libboost-thread1.46.1 1.46.1-7ubuntu3 portable C++ multi-threading
ii libboost1.46-dev 1.46.1-7ubuntu3 Boost C++ Libraries development files

Also, I do not understand why it tries to link to version 1.42.0. The point
is that I use CMake for generating the makefile. Before attempting to build
the Debian package I have tested my CMakeList.txt file. I can generate the
makefile, and build from the command line, by doing:
    $ cmake -G "Unix Makefiles" ../sources
    $ make
This works perfectly.

My debian/rules file contains:
#!/usr/bin/make -f
include /usr/share/cdbs/1/rules/debhelper.mk
include /usr/share/cdbs/1/class/cmake.mk

In the build log (file .build) I see that libboost 1.46.1 is found:
-- Boost version: 1.46.1
-- Found the following Boost libraries:
-- date_time
-- thread
Boost found: libraries:
Boost found: include= /usr/include
Boost found: libdir= /usr/lib
Boost found: version= 1_46_1

Those lines are generated by CMakeList.txt file, containing:
# Check for Boost >= 1.42.0
set(Boost_ADDITIONAL_VERSIONS "1.42" "1.42.0" "1.43" "1.43.0" "1.44"
    "1.45" "1.45.0" "1.46" "1.46.0" "1.47" "1.47.0" "1.48" "1.48.0""1.49"
    "1.50" "1.50.0" )
#set(Boost_DEBUG TRUE)

find_package(Boost 1.42.0 COMPONENTS date_time thread REQUIRED)
    link_libraries( ${Boost_LIBRARIES} )
    link_directories( ${Boost_LIBRARY_DIRS} )
    message("Boost found: libraries: ${Boost_LIBRARIES}" )
    message("Boost found: include= ${Boost_INCLUDE_DIRS}" )
    message("Boost found: libdir= ${Boost_LIBRARY_DIRS}" )
    message("Boost found: version= ${Boost_LIB_VERSION}" )
    message(SEND_ERROR "Boost package not found. Reason:
${Boost_ERROR_REASON}" )

As in no place in my CMakeList.txt file nor in any other debian/ file I
point to 1.42.0 version, but to the found version, I do not understand why
it tries to use version 1.42.0 instead of 1.46 and from where the 1.42.0"
string comes. But in any case, both are present!

I would greatly appreciate any clues or help to solve this issue. I'm a
newbie on this (my first deb package) and I am completely lost.

Thank you in advance.
Cecilio Salmeron

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