on 2013-03-23(六) at 12:45(+0100), Jakub Wilk wrote:
> (I don't intend to sponsor this package, sorry.)
I really appreciate your patience and your support.
Thank you very much!

I have a new version:

I am still looking for a sponsor.
Sorry for my poor english.

1. changelog
  - 1.5.3 fixed
  - 1.5.4 added

2. lintian, configuration files /usr => /etc

    put the files in /etc/ranger and create symbolic links to those files [^1]
    - rc.conf
    - rifle.conf
    - scope.sh
    - mime.types

3. lintian4python
        lintian4python emits (among others):
        i: ranger source: python-provides-considered-harmful ranger
        e: ranger: pyflakes-undefined-name 
usr/share/pyshared/ranger/core/loader.py:152: errno
        e: ranger: pyflakes-undefined-name 
usr/share/pyshared/ranger/core/loader.py:152: errno

    `e:' fxied.

        N: Using profile debian/python.
        N: Setting up lab in /tmp/temp-lintian-lab-nd73kmb6bq ...
        N: Unpacking packages in group ranger/1.6.0-1
        N: ----
        N: Processing changes file ranger (version 1.6.0-1, arch source all) ...
        N: ----
        N: Processing source package ranger (version 1.6.0-1, arch source) ...
        i: ranger source: python-provides-considered-harmful ranger
        N: ----
        N: Processing binary package ranger (version 1.6.0-1, arch all) ...
        x: ranger: pyflakes-import-star-used 
usr/share/pyshared/ranger/api/commands.py:10: ranger.api
        x: ranger: pyflakes-import-star-used 
usr/share/pyshared/ranger/api/options.py:7: ranger.api
        x: ranger: pyflakes-import-star-used 
usr/share/pyshared/ranger/colorschemes/default.py:5: ranger.gui.color
        x: ranger: pyflakes-import-star-used 
usr/share/pyshared/ranger/colorschemes/jungle.py:4: ranger.gui.color
        x: ranger: pyflakes-import-star-used 
usr/share/pyshared/ranger/colorschemes/snow.py:5: ranger.gui.color
        x: ranger: pyflakes-import-star-used 
usr/share/pyshared/ranger/config/commands.py:79: ranger.api.commands
        w: ranger: pyflakes-redefined-in-list-comp 
usr/share/pyshared/ranger/core/actions.py:332: f line 317

4. python modules, private / public

  > Are Python modules included by this package supposed to by used
  > by other software?
  I don't think so. 
  > Otherwise, they should be moved to a private directory.
  Does this meaning to use `/usr/share/foo` to instead of
  `/usr/share/pyshared/foo` look like below:

  - /usr/share/pyshared/foo:

        ./usr/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/ranger/api/commands.py -> 
        ./usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/ranger/api/commands.py -> 

  - /usr/share/foo:

        ./usr/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/ranger/api/commands.py -> 
        ./usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/ranger/api/commands.py -> 

5. debian/copyright

6. suggest elinks-list => w3m | lynx | elinks| elinks-lite


7. upstream sys.version => sys.version_info


8. upstream less => sensible-paper


9. upstream nano => sensible-editor


10. upstream /tmp => $TMPDIR [^2]



vim -c ":s(^(ZnQr8va1puvan.(|:s)\d\(\S\)) \U\1)g|:1 normal g??"

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