On 19-07-13 05:13, T o n g wrote:
> As said in OP, 

Which I don't have anymore, so indeed please repeat it if you want my help.

> - I unpack the upstream tarball and build the binary debian package with 
> 'debuild -us -uc'. the build is good.

Why do this debuild -us -uc first if you proceed with the next?

> - I then build the upstream into *source package* with 'debuild -S -sa', 
> and then build the binary debian package *from this source package*. The  
> binary package built this way is however empty. 

So how do you do the last step? And why is building from your source
package any different than your first step with -us -uc? What do you do
EXACTLY when you "build from the source package", i.e. please provide
all the copy and build commands. It is NOT empty if I try it (the step
to create the source package first is not really relevant is it?)

paul@wollumbin $ ls -l
total 340
drwxr-xr-x 5 paul paul   4096 jul 17 21:12 pam_ssh_agent_auth-0.9.5
-rw-r--r-- 1 paul paul 277802 jul 19 08:17 pam-ssh-agent-auth_0.9.5-1.tar.gz

paul@wollumbin $ cd pam_ssh_agent_auth-0.9.5
paul@wollumbin pam_ssh_agent_auth-0.9.5 $ pdebuild
<lot of output>
paul@wollumbin $ ls -l
total 340
drwxr-xr-x 5 paul paul   4096 jul 17 21:12 pam_ssh_agent_auth-0.9.5
-rw-r--r-- 1 paul paul  53532 jul 19 08:20
-rw-r--r-- 1 paul paul    652 jul 19 08:17 pam-ssh-agent-auth_0.9.5-1.dsc
-rw-r--r-- 1 paul paul   1035 jul 19 08:17
-rw-r--r-- 1 paul paul 277802 jul 19 08:17 pam-ssh-agent-auth_0.9.5-1.tar.gz

paul@wollumbin $ ls -l
-rw-r--r-- 1 paul paul   1324 jul 19 08:19
-rw-r--r-- 1 paul paul  41696 jul 19 08:19
-rw-r--r-- 1 paul paul    652 jul 19 08:18
-rw-r--r-- 1 paul paul 280317 jul 19 08:18

(Interestingly, the tar is also different, but that is also to be
expected I guess from the known problems with the packaging).

>> And don't forget that you already identified several problems with the
>> upstream source. E.g. it misses a source/format file containing "3.0
>> (quilt)".
> I've fixed all of those but the binary package built from my source 
> package is empty. Thus I'm reverting to the very beginning, to rule out 
> that it is caused by my modification. 

The point also reported by Andrey in this thread, is you are NOT asking
the right questions and you are not giving enough information. If I try
to build your package, it just works, as said before. There are
problems, yes, but we have told you how to fix those. So if you want
help, please fix the issues, and try to ask specific questions on what
you want/need to know and give extensive information. As you say, you
probably do "something wrong" but we can guess it until you tell us what
you do.


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