On Sat, 2013-11-16 at 13:40 +0100, Alex Mestiashvili wrote:

> Sorry, the package on mentors was still the old one. ( it wasn't 
> uploaded because of .upload file, and I somehow forgot to upload it 
> again after I deleted the .upload file)
> Now I really uploaded the new one with the mentioned fixes.

Ah, ok.

Further issues while you are waiting for upstream:

For the expanduser patch I meant these instead of what you put:


Vcs-* fields are for the Debian packaging VCS, not the upstream one.
Create a debian/upstream file if you want to refer to the upstream VCS.


Priority should be optional.

The Homepage link redirects to the same URL but without .git on it,
please just strip the .git from it.

debhelper build-dep can just be 9 instead of 9.0.0.

Did you mean to leave DH_VERBOSE=1 uncommented?

You might want to run wrap-and-sort -sa to make debdiffs easier.

You changed GPL-2.0+ to GPL-2.0 but didn't change the license stanza at
the bottom of debian/copyright, it still reads "or (at your option) any
later version." which is incorrect. Please use the exact wording as
upstream uses but keep the bit about where it is on Debian.

The authprogs.html file is the same as the manual page, I would
recommend not building and installing it if possible. If not possible
maybe ask upstream for a way to turn that off.

> What is considered the correct URL? the one in example did work for me.
> Should they be changed on githubredir variant ?

Oh, I missed that /tags still exists, I thought /releases had
replaced /tags. It is a much better idea to use /releases than /tags I
think, maybe there is some difference between the two.

githubredir is completely obsolete, please don't use it.

So revert to your original debian/watch with fixes.



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