On Tue, 2014-10-28 at 14:01 +1100, Carl Suster wrote:

> I'm not sure what you're referring to here - `licensecheck
> --copyright` and grep both seem to agree with the information in
> d/copyright with only two differences: (1) I changed the aliases in
> the copyright headers to the contributors' full names from the vcs 

I guess (1) is what I was seeing. In that case plowshare4 is probably
ready for upload, I would encourage your previous sponsor (CCed) to
upload the package.

Since we are now less than 10 days until the freeze, your upload should
be targeted at experimental not unstable. Once jessie is released then
you can get it uploaded to unstable again.

> The tests as far as I can see are intended to check for changes in the
> APIs of the various file hosts rather than to test if the code has
> installed properly. It seems like more of a developers' diagnostic
> than something which should be run automatically so I didn't include
> it.

Those are exactly the kind of tests one would want to run with DEP-8 for
packages that interface with Internet services.

> > You might want to add some debtags:
> > 
> > http://debtags.debian.net/edit/plowshare4
> Done.

I'd suggest going through the all tags section and adding anything
appropriate. For example use::downloading seems appropriate.

> I didn't realise that this was relevant to CLI applications. I'll add
> a screenshot.

Anything with a human-facing interface is relevant to screenshots.d.n.

> > P: plowshare4: no-upstream-changelog
> I wasn't sure what to do about this, any my previous sponsor said to
> ignore it. Upstream has a wiki page summarising significant changes
> (https://code.google.com/p/plowshare/wiki/PlowshareChanges) but that's
> currently sorted by month rather than version and not contained in the
> source at all. Should I maintain a separate upstream changelog even
> though they don't include one? Or just try and ask upstream to add it
> to the source?

Fair enough if you prefer to ignore it, other options:

Convince upstream to add a NEWS file containing releases and the
user-visible changes in each of them.


Convert the git history to a ChangeLog file using git2cl or git log.


> Thanks for pointing me to this tool. I'll prepare and forward a patch.

codespell can auto-fix spelling errors BTW (-w/--write-changes).

> I'm not sure that this check is relevant since all of the output is
> about perl and this project is pure bash shell script.

Hmm, true. That would seem to be a bug in perlcritic, it shouldn't
assume that the tests/*.t files are perl tests. Not sure if there is a
way to fix this though.

> I'll check through this output, but there is the fact that these shell
> scripts depend on bash behaviour rather than POSIX shell so perhaps
> much of this is not relevant or overly defensive.

I believe shellcheck understands that there are different variants of
the shell language, at least the upstream website has some things that
are bash-only syntax that it checks for.

> Is this necessarily an issue? The project is being actively developed
> and these are just notes that will be addressed in the future but are
> not critical for the time being.

Not necessarily but it would be good to review them to make sure that
none are indicative of serious issues.

> I'll address all of these points properly in the package in the coming
> days when I get a chance. Thanks again for your review.

Great, no worries.



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