Am Mittwoch, den 01.04.2015, 22:51 +0300 schrieb Antti Järvinen:
> Tobias Frost writes:
>  > Control: owner -1 !
>  > Control: tags -1 pending
> Aye, best aprils fool's prank for some time :)

>  > Debian sees the (high-res image) as part of the source code, the
>  > preferred form of the source actually. So you should include it into
>  > your tarball and create the actual bitmaps at build-time.
> Hmm, I could do something like introducing a build-time dependency to 
> imagemagick (I think I crafted the lower-resolution bitmaps with gimp by
> hand) and try to do the format+size conversion tricks with that? 
> Isn't imagemagick a bit huge and unconventional build-dependency? 

Take a look at xcftools -- xcf2png(1) seems to be the tool you want
(not tried, though)

>  > Sure, just follow the ITa procedure. (I will also sponsor you on this)
> ...
>  > Its just a git repository ;-) No big risk to ruin everything.
>  > You could also move the repository somewhere else, if you don't like
>  > collab-maint. 
> Yes, this was actually my question ; is it ok for me to fork the 
> collab-maint repo of qemuctl to some other place (say, github) and
> make the changelog-change from there and reference that in ITA-ticket?
> Or is getting write permission to repository in collab-maint a
> difficult process? Anything goes, my primary interface is anyway git
> and the address of remote repository is not much an issue..

Look at
Just ITA my RFA, do 1) from the link and then trigger me on 2).
Of course, you can also move the repository somewhere, we can also agree
that you work own repository until your account get approved. 

>  > For the upload procedure:
>  > In short-term, yes: You need a sponsor for upload.
>  > Mid-Terms: You can become a Debian Maintainer with upload rights 
>  > for your packages (
>  > Long-Term: You join the project as Debian Developer 
> Ok, I've read through
> and and feel ok with
> privileges and responsibilities regarding becoming a maintainer. This
> anyway looks like the way of least hassle for keeping my packages
> up-to-date. 
> I'll write about this to debian-devel-announce. 

Naah, not so fast ;-) First things first.
First you need to get some track record as Debian Contributor; so you
need first to do some contributions through sponsored uploads, and after
a few months of involvement you'll be ready to apply for DM status. 
An this gives you plenty time to fix this:

> But here I need advice as
> says I'll need a PGP-key with at least 2k key length. 
> The key I used at was my pgp key that I
> normally use. I don't consider it compromised, it is from year 2000
> and has 1k key len -> do I fullfill the requirement if I add
> additional longer encryption key into my current key and replace the
> key in mentors ; the key in there still has no signatures from any
> party relevant in this debian process..

pabs already replied on this, so please follow his advice here.
Additionally, you can already start to collect signatures on your new,
stronger key. e.g take a look at; if you go on vacation you
can also check there for offers at your destination.
(BTW, it is stronlgy recommended to use at least 4096 bits..)

> And it there any (documented? where? )process for .. situation that a
> maintainer might face, like 
>  1. notification a new bug report
>  2. creation of patch
>  3. ???
>  4. upload to
> especially the step three there is interesting..

You should read (also the documents linked at), especially the
New Maintainers Guide, The Developer's Reference and get familiar with
the Debian Policy Manual. That will probably answer most. It also has
links where to asks the tricky questions ;-) (e.g debian-devel or
debian-mentors mailing lists)
3) is usually (for non DD and DM) 
3a) preparing the package, 
3b) point your sponsor to it,
3c) sponsor checks it and if ok, 
3d) the sponsor uploads it.

> In long term I can consider trying to become DD too. But lets start
> with small amount of packages..

Yes, first things first ;) Anyway DD status is not achieved with a
certain amount of packages, but with the experience/knowledge gained on
the way. But lets just start with first steps... 
I'll happy to help you as your sponsor here.

>  > I saw that debian/source/format is missing in the repository.
> Ahem. Not any more. 
> --
> Antti

Let me come back to the original topic of #779377 in a separate mail.


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