On 03-04-15 17:55, Felix Natter wrote:
> does nobody have an opinion on this?
> In short: Is it better to have _a lot_ of beta gbp import-origs, commits
> that are reverted/superceded etc. OR
> develop on a private repository and copy the debian/* changes to alioth
> on a release?

If this means that from one release to the next is only one commit, I
personally don't like it. Usually history (with good commit messages)
helps a lot with figuring out why what happened and where bugs were
introduced. Not only for my own packages, but especially if I look at
packages done by others, be it to fix some bug via NMU or because of
take over. Basically, if you are only doing one commit, there is hardly
any use for the repository, as I could get the same by downloading the
packages from snapshot.d.o.


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