
I'm currently having some problems with sbuild.
Doing "sbuild-shell" (without root privileges) results in the
following message:

E: Access not authorised
I: You do not have permission to access the schroot service.
I: This failure will be reported.
Chroot setup failed
Error setting up sid chroot
Chroot setup failed at /usr/bin/sbuild-shell line 42.

My user is in the sbuild group so I should have access to the schroot.
Trying "schroot -c sid-i386-sbuild" gives this error:

E: sid-i386-sbuild-eaa31b26-e9b3-44f5-9bca-177f09ca1643: Failed to lock
chroot: /var/lib/sbuild/sid-i386.tar.gz: File is not owned by user root

Doing sbuild-shell with sudo results in this message:

E: sid-i386-sbuild-68d65d6b-82ae-4d24-a67c-40db019eb726: Failed to lock
chroot: /var/lib/sbuild/sid-i386.tar.gz: File is not owned by user root
Chroot setup failed Error setting up sid chroot
Chroot setup failed at /usr/bin/sbuild-shell line 42.

The permissions on the file are as follows:

$ ls -l /var/lib/sbuild/sid-i386.tar.gz 
-rw-r--r-- 1 sbuild sbuild 169181237 Mai  9 \
19:44 /var/lib/sbuild/sid-i386.tar.gz

Who is supposed to be the owner of the file?
I tried to chown the file to root:sbuild. This worked in the sense,
that I was able to access the chroot, but it seems that sbuild was not
able to write the changes I made back to the archive.

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