On 20/08/15 18:33, Thomas Schmitt wrote:
> - https://wiki.debian.org/DebianMentorsFaq#How_do_I_make_my_first_package.3F
>   "Put a package together, built against a current version of sid."
>   I'm on Jessie 8.1. The dependencies of the packages in question
>   are very basic. The package sources are portable to any X/Open
>   compliant system. Tested upstream on very old GNU/Linux, FreeBSD,
>   Solaris, and NetBSD.
>   I understand i have to submit source packages anyway.
>   So is there a way to do my packaging work in Debian 8.1 ?
>   (The PackagingTutorial says i shall write "9" into
>    debian/compat. Is that enough of a sid ?)
>   Else: Is there a shortcut description how to quickly set up
>   Debian package development in a virtual machine and how
>   to keep it up to date ?
>   (Hardware is plenty but my own VM scripts date back to Debian 6.)

Hi Thomas,

Debian actually has ready-made VM scripts for you.

You want to take a look at the "sbuild" system, it can create a minimal
sid tarball chroot-"virtualmachine" and use it to build packages for
you. Using sbuild will be as close as it gets to the official buildd
machines, helping you to prevent FTBFS¹. sbuild machines install a bare
minimum of packages plus your specified build-dependencies into a
throwaway directory, build the package and delete everything except the
build log and created .deb, returning to a clean state.

Pointer: https://wiki.debian.org/sbuild

Once sbuild is setup, you can call either "sbuild --dist sid" from
inside the source directory (quick result, but I wouldn't recommend it)
or call "debuild -S" on your host machine first:
This will create a .debian.tar.xz and a (signed) .dsc file in "..", then
you can call "sbuild --dist sid your-package_version.dsc". If that goes
through, you know your dsc is good and you can upload it to mentors with
"dupload --to mentors my.changes". (That's why I recommend this two-step
route, since than you have "this" dsc that built correctly. Btw, the
dupload step will check if you signed correctly)

For bonus points, if you are on a machine that can chroot different
arches (for example amd64 hosts can create a i386 chroot) you can verify
it compiles on both.
Just call another sbuild-createchroot with --arch i386 and then call
"sbuild --dist sid --arch i386 my.dsc" to build on it.

Be warned that in addition to where you store the sbuild-tarball, the
schroot system will also need enough space to hold the *unpacked*
tarball *plus* all temporary installed packages (build-dependencies) at
/var/lib/schroot, so make sure to have > 10G space there.

> - I still did not find a hands-on description of fulfilling
>   the demand of http://mentors.debian.net/intro-maintainers:
>     "All packages must be signed with the GnuPG key you configured
>      in your control panel."

Set the environment variables DEBNAME="Your Full Name" and
DEBEMAIL="your@email.address". Then, when you call debuild -S, gpg will
automatically be called with the right options, all you have to do is
enter your privatekey password : )

>   http://mentors.debian.net/my has my public key now. I guess
>   this does the necessary configuration.
>   But how to use gpg or other programs to sign the packages ?
>   As GNU maintainer i use on tarballs
>     gpg -o ...sig -u ...
>   on announcement messages
>     gpg --clearsign ...
>   Suspiciously all newbie tutorials for Debian packaging
>   propose to use options -us -uc, which i understand prevent
>   some kind of signing.

This is probably since it prevents the gpg-askpass from starting, and
personally while testing stuff I also use -uc -us (also good for
automated testing, since my privatekey won't be available there). The
tutorials should include a little information that -uc -us is not meant
for production use.

Have fun sbuilding : )

- Danny

¹ Failed To Build From Source. For example, if you don't specify all
build-dependencies. Debian buildd/sbuild will also not install
"Recommended:" dependencies [after all, they are allowed to be omitted],
but end-user systems will by default.

PS: Just a word of warning: If your sid builds fail with strange linker
messages having to do with std::__cxx11::something, you're out of luck
for now and you've ben hit with the GCC-5/libstdc++6-5 transition. Lets
hope it won't come to that though : )

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