Reuploading without changing the version number is completely fine on mentors.

Please don't bump the version number if the package never appeared on 



Il Giovedì 17 Settembre 2015 14:30, Cesar Mauri <> ha scritto:
Hi Alex,

Thanks for your support.

I followed your instructions and it seems to work fine on my debian jessie box.

However, I'm not sure how to share the updated package. I mean, do I have to 
remove and upload the (updated) package again without touching the version 
number? Or perhaps, is it better to bump the version number (i.e. 2.0.1-5 -> 



El 17/09/2015 a las 3:28, Alex Vong escribió:
> Hi Cesar,
> It is early in the morning and I have spot "Debhelper compatibility
> level 7" in <> but I believe
> the latest "Debhelper compatibility level" is "9". Perhaps you should
> try
>      $ echo 9 > debian/compat
> and adding
>      Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 9)
> to debian/control
> and see if the package works nice with the latest "compatibility level".
> Cheers,
> Alex
> 2015-09-17 3:38 GMT+08:00, Cesar Mauri <>:
>> Hi Gianfranco (and all),
>> I just filled a RFS bug [1]. Package seems know to be lintian clean (version
>> 2.0.1-5).
>> [1]
>> Thanks for the support.
>> Regards,
>> Cesar
>> El 16/09/2015 a las 18:39, Gianfranco Costamagna escribió:
>>> Hi Cesar, please open an RFS bug and fix the lintian stuff shown on
>>> mentors.d.o page.
>>> + Buildsystem: Package uses debhelper with an old compatibility level
>>> – Package uploaded for the unreleased distribution
>>> – Watch file is not present
>>> after that I'll have a look at it.
>>> cheers,
>>> G.
>>> Il Mercoledì 16 Settembre 2015 18:22, Cesar Mauri <> ha
>>> scritto:
>>> Hi Luke and all,
>>> I uploaded source packages for the latest upstream version (2.0.1) here
>>> [1]. Source code repo here [2].
>>> [1]
>>> [2]
>>> Cesar
>>> El 16/09/2015 a las 2:10, Luke Yelavich escribió:
>>>> On Wed, Sep 07, 2011 at 05:36:47AM AEST, Cesar Mauri wrote:
>>>>> Hi,
>>>>> I've managed to upload eviacam again to mentors site and appears to be
>>>>> lintian clean.
>>>> Hey folks. We in the Ubuntu desktop team have been contacted by Cesar
>>>> once
>>>> again about getting this into Ubuntu and Debian. It seems that this was
>>>> left by the wayside back in 2011. Such things often happen, but perhaps
>>>> we can take another look, ahd hoefully get a DD to sponsor this.
>>>> Seems this URL doesn't take me to a page where I can download the
>>>> package
>>>> and have a look. Cesar, do you have a recent revision of this package
>>>> anywhere? I am not a DD, but I am happy to take a look and comment on
>>>> how
>>>> ready it is for upload to Debian.
>>>> Luke

César Mauri Loba
CREA Sistemes Informàtics
+34 685817309

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