
I am the new Midori package maintainer, and I need a sponsor to upload a
fix to #799337 ("Accept self-signed SSL/TLS certificates").  This bug is
a regression that has been introduced in the last version (0.5.11-1),
because of an outdated patch that was mistakenly not deleted when doing
an overhaul in the repository.

Despite what packages.qa.debian.org says, the (temporary) repository I
am using to package Midori is located at:


However, I am in contact with Alioth to takeover the current "official"
repository, and I expect to receive an answer from them soon.

The fix has been pushed to the remote repository (0.5.11-2), so it is
now just a matter of building, signing and uploading the package.

For the record, another DD (Thadeu Cascardo) has been sponsoring me to
get things uploaded, but unfortunately he is unavailable this weekend.

Thank you,

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