I've gone through the requirements of privacyIDEA (./requirements.txt) yet and 
might be a serious problem ...

python-qrcode 5.1/5.0.1
python-dateutil 2.4.2/2.2
python-tz 2015.4/2012c
snowballstemmer not available
python-gunicorn 19.3.0/19.0
python-responses 0.4.0/0.3.0
cookies not available
python-flask-script 2.0.5/0.6.7
python-flask-sqlalchemy 2.0/1.0
python-bcrypt 1.1.0/0.4
pycrypto not available
python-pytest-cov 1.8.1/1.8.0
pytest-runner not available

I'm going to help with updates (most of the packages are Python group 
maintained) and filing
RFP/ITP bugs. Some of them might could be spared, though, but ...


46CB 1CA8 9EA3 B743 7676 1DB9 15E0 9AF4 DF51 82C8
LPI certified Linux admin (LPI000329859 64mz6f7kt4)

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