Hi again,

>Thanks to Gert's and Gianfranco's help I made quite some progress.  Currenly
>I'm left with a riddle about the role of qt5-default which is a metapackage
>and lintian throws an error when Build-Depending from a metapackage.  So I
>thought that would be simple and made sure that ugene would Build-Depend
>from all of qt5-default's Dependencies which are
>   qtbase5-dev, qtchooser
>Since qtbase5-dev is in the Build-Depends anyway I simply did
>   s/qt5-default/qtchooser/
>in the current status of Git ... and ended up in:

>So what else might qt5-default do besides installing dependencies
>to make qmake happy?  Should I simply override the lintian error?

I told you in the last mail all the dependencies needed.

just an
export QT_SELECT=5
in rules should do the trick.



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