Hi folks.

I'm starting to work with the MIPs port. My objective is to have all them
building correctly :-).

As I could see, many of the packages which could previously pass
compilation can no longer pass. Also, some of the recently uploaded
packages cannot pass compilation either.

My currently approach will be to use the schroot to create the build
environment, download the sources of the packages and trying to build them
in a MIPS environment.

I intend to use KVM/QEMU and "gabrielli.debian.org" to test the
modifications, since I don't have a MIPS hardware yet.

The only link I found was: https://www.debian.org/ports/mips/ , which has
almost no content about the porting.

Can you give me some suggestions and references to help me in this work?


Gustavo Prado Alkmim
Bacharel em Ciência da Computação (UFLA)
Doutorando em Ciência da Computação (UNICAMP)

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