Hi all,

Below some misc news relevant for Debian mirrors.

 * Upcoming squeeze release
 * Request for help: security.debian.org
 * archive.debian.org moved
 * Planned move of www.debian.org

Upcoming release of squeeze
The Debian Project is close to its next release, Debian Squeeze.
Delivering the new release to Debian users is possible thanks to you,
mirror admins, providing fresh data in a fast and reliable way.

Here are the usual recommendations that Debian mirrors should follow:
- ISOs: make sure you perform *automatic* updates, either pushed
  or pulled (today is 5.0.8!).
  You can also build them from your local mirror using jigdo:
- use the recommended tool ftpsync:
  http://debian.org/mirror/ftpmirror#how for all mirrors (debian,
  debian-backports, debian-volatile, etc.)
- avoid dropping architectures or access protocols (if you do, make sure
  to inform us before, so we can mitigate the effects on the users)
- prefer configured standard access paths like /debian/ /debian-volatile/
  /debian-cd/ /debian-backports/
- make sure you actually receive and read any errors logs that may occur.

Request for help: security.debian.org
The Debian System Administration (DSA) Team is seeking help for hosting
and hardware for security.debian.org. As per Debian System
Administration Team Policy official mirrors of security.debian.org need
to be on DSA administrated physical hardware. Those machines will not be
used for anything else and should provide the usual rsync, ftp and http
debian-security shares. To lower latency for the end-users we are
currently using GeoDNS to point end-users to the closest mirrors in
their region.

Currently we are looking for hosters willing to sponsor hardware and
bandwidth in South America, Asia and Africa. The network should not be
firewalled and the hardware should have some sort of out-of-band access
(iLO, ILOM, serial via jump-host). Bonus points for native IPv6 access.
Expected average bandwith for security.debian.org is about 5-10MBit/s.
Debian is willing to list sponsors in the "Hosting Partners" section on
http://www.debian.org/partners. If you are interested, please contact us
at debian-ad...@lists.debian.org.

archive.debian.org moved
The service archive.debian.org moved away from klecker.debian.org to the
same machines providing snapshot.debian.org (stabile and sibelius).
This change should not have any effect on you unless you have specific
firewall rules in place. archive.debian.org provides a repository for
old Debian releases that are no longer supported.

It provides archives of the main and security archive, as well as
backports and volatile. It is currently about 250 GB in size.

Changed handling of www.debian.org
Due to the increased resources available to the project, we are now able
to serve www.debian.org (and the country-code based mirrors) ourselves.
The move will dramatically ease maintainability and administration of
our website. Additionally it allows to implement various features
requested by our website team that require some more drastic changes
than commonly able to do on mirror servers owned by someone else.

We thank everyone who generously provided resources to host or website
in the past, it was needed and is much appreciated!

Simon Paillard, on behalf on the Debian Mirrors Team

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