Ultra short report: I recommend Michael Biebl be accepted as a Debian


hussy:~/src/debian$ ~/bin/keycheck 0xBD058554
Syncing Debian Keyrings with rsync from keyring.debian.org
Receiving and checking key
gpg: requesting key BD058554 from hkp server subkeys.pgp.net
pub   1024D/BD058554 2001-03-22
      Key fingerprint = 2016 8F78 9AC3 9CA7 A9CD  EDC7 87B3 C447 BD05 8554
uid                  Michael Biebl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
sig!3        AE7637D9 2004-05-05  Stevie Strickland <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
sig!3        BD058554 2004-05-03  Michael Biebl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
sig!3        BD058554 2004-05-03  Michael Biebl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
sig!3        BD058554 2004-05-04  Michael Biebl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
sig!3        BD058554 2004-05-04  Michael Biebl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
sig!         23A6D909 2004-05-05  Stevie Strickland <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
uid                  Michael Biebl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
sig!3        AE7637D9 2004-05-05  Stevie Strickland <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
sig!3        BD058554 2004-05-03  Michael Biebl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
sig!3        BD058554 2004-05-03  Michael Biebl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
sig!         23A6D909 2004-05-05  Stevie Strickland <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
uid                  Michael Biebl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
sig!3        AE7637D9 2004-05-05  Stevie Strickland <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
sig!3        BD058554 2001-03-22  Michael Biebl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
sig!3        BD058554 2001-03-22  Michael Biebl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
sig!3        BD058554 2004-05-04  Michael Biebl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
sig!3        BD058554 2004-05-03  Michael Biebl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
sig!         23A6D909 2004-05-05  Stevie Strickland <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
uid                  Michael Biebl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
sig!3        AE7637D9 2004-05-05  Stevie Strickland <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
sig!3        BD058554 2004-05-03  Michael Biebl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
sig!3        BD058554 2004-05-03  Michael Biebl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
sig!         23A6D909 2004-05-05  Stevie Strickland <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
uid                  Michael Biebl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
sig!3        AE7637D9 2004-05-05  Stevie Strickland <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
sig!3        BD058554 2004-05-03  Michael Biebl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
sig!3        BD058554 2004-05-03  Michael Biebl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
sig!         23A6D909 2004-05-05  Stevie Strickland <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
uid                  Michael Biebl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
sig!3        AE7637D9 2004-05-05  Stevie Strickland <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
sig!3        BD058554 2004-05-03  Michael Biebl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
sig!3        BD058554 2004-05-03  Michael Biebl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
sig!         23A6D909 2004-05-05  Stevie Strickland <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
sub   1024g/6E39F6E4 2001-03-22
sig!         BD058554 2001-03-22  Michael Biebl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

13 signatures not checked due to missing keys
Let's test if its a version 4 or greater key
Key is ok
Check for key expire stuff
Key has no expiration date set, nothing to check.

Identity check passed OK.


Michael writes:

I'm a German guy, born and grown up in a small village in south Germany.
I'm 25 years old and currently studying computer science at the
University of Karlsruhe  and hope to finish my study in the next three
to four semesters. Before that I went to military service for almost a
year which is mandatory here in Germany.


I'm fascinated by the ideas and ideals of Open Source and Free Software
and Debian embodies this ideals for me. I want to volunteer my time to
Debian because I hope it will also benefit other people. I want to work
together with other interesting people on a large project and be part of
this great project. And besides all it's just great fun working with Debian.


Michael's advocate, ARAKI Yasuhiro, writes:

He has a strong desire to join and contribute in order to accelerate
Debian superiority in network (especially SCTP)..
His core skill and his research area in Georgia tech is network protocol.
He already had packaged "lksctp-tools" which is sponsored by me.
In process of packaging this, he ask me about debian packaging rule,
howto and tao.

Personally, I found Michael easy to deal with, and quite reasonable in the
face of delays and problems with the NM process.  I think Michael will make
an excellent Debian Developer.

Philosophy and Procedures

Michael has agreed via signed e-mail to uphold the Social Contract and DFSG
in his Debian work, and has read and agreed to the DMUP.

I assessed Michael's abilities via the standard quiz questions (with some
slight adaptations).  Initially, Michael had trouble answering some of the
questions put to him.  After a period of delay (mostly my fault) Michael
showed a significant improvement in his knowledge, and was able to answer
all of the questions to my satisfaction.

Tasks and Skills

For the skills portion of the NM assessment, I asked Michael a selection
from the standard question set.  He provided answers to my questions (and
followups) without trouble.

Account Information

Preferred username: biebl
Mail forwarded to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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